Vertical Slice
[Taste a little ...]
In Bookend, explore the narrative of The Little Witch, while awaiting the inevitability of the apocalypse.
Harness imagination through the power of VR to protect the little witch during intervention points in each chapter.
Embark on a journey alongside the little witch as the book ends.
Discover Offical WebsiteControls
- Right Handed Controller
- Left Handed Controller
- On Both Controllers
A button: used to set "little witch" next destination
X button: used to remove in game controls message
Y button: used to return in game controls message
X & Y buttons at the same time: resets the scene
Index and Hand trigger at the same time: grab
Index finger slide: create a campfire
- Find ./README.txt
Bookendvr alpha 32.2 MB
Mount Rift and Sensors
Download and run Bookend_ver_b1.1.exe with default settings
Enter VR